Malloy supports Presto and Trino databases with two dialects which are closely related.
Useful Functions not in the database function library
hll_accumulate hll_combine hll_estimate hll_export hll_import string_agg string_agg_distinct count_approx
Database Functions
Malloy code written for these dialects can, in addition to the Malloy Standard Functions, reference any of the listed functions here without needing to use Raw SQL Functions.
Refer to the appropriate database documentaion for information on individual functions.
approx_percentile arbitrary array_distinct array_except array_intersect array_join array_max array_min array_normalize array_remove array_sort array_split_into_chunks array_union arrays_overlap bitwise_and bitwise_and_agg bitwise_or bitwise_or_agg bitwise_xor_agg bool_and bool_or cardinality combinations contains corr date_format date_parse element_at flatten from_unixtime json_extract_scalar max_by min_by ngrams percent_rank regexp_like regexp_replace repeat(STRING) reverse sequence shuffle slice split to_unixtime trim_array url_extract_fragment url_extract_host url_extract_parameter url_extract_path url_extract_port url_extract_protocol url_extract_query variance
Presto Only
The following functions are only available on Presto connections
array_average array_cum_sum array_duplicates array_intersect array_has_duplicates array_least_frequent array_position array_sum array_sort_desc array_top_n remove_nulls reverse(ARRAY)