Malloy Documentation

Malloy provides a way to compute percent of total through level of detail (ungrouped aggregates) functions. The functions all() and exclude() escape grouping in aggregate calculations. These functions are different than window functions as they operate inline with the query and can produce correct results even when the data hits a limit or is fanned out. Use cases below.

source: flights is duckdb.table('../data/flights.parquet') extend {
  join_one: carriers is duckdb.table('../data/carriers.parquet') on carrier = carriers.code
  measure: flight_count is count()


Using all(), you can easily produce an aggregate calculation that includes all the data, not just the data on the current row. Southwest + USAir = 126,434 flights. Notice that all_flights is the total of all the flights accessible in the query.

run: flights -> {
  group_by: carriers.nickname
    all_flights is all(flight_count)
    limit: 2
    "nickname": "Southwest",
    "flight_count": 88751,
    "all_flights": 344827
    "nickname": "USAir",
    "flight_count": 37683,
    "all_flights": 344827
WITH __stage0 AS (
    CASE WHEN group_set=1 THEN
      END as "nickname__1",
    CASE WHEN group_set=1 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END as "flight_count__1",
    MAX((CASE WHEN group_set=0 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)) OVER () as "all_flights__1"
  FROM '../data/flights.parquet' as flights
   LEFT JOIN '../data/carriers.parquet' AS carriers_0
    ON flights."carrier"=carriers_0."code"
  CROSS JOIN (SELECT UNNEST(GENERATE_SERIES(0,1,1)) as group_set  ) as group_set
  GROUP BY 1,2
  "nickname__1" as "nickname",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=1 THEN "flight_count__1" END) as "flight_count",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=1 THEN "all_flights__1" END) as "all_flights"
FROM __stage0
WHERE group_set NOT IN (0)

Percent of Total

The all() function is useful for percent of total calculations. The # percent tags the result so it is displayed as a percentage.

run: flights -> {
  group_by: carriers.nickname
    # percent
    percent_of_flights is flight_count / all(flight_count)
    limit: 5
    "nickname": "Southwest",
    "flight_count": 88751,
    "percent_of_flights": 0.2573783375431738
    "nickname": "USAir",
    "flight_count": 37683,
    "percent_of_flights": 0.10928088577750582
    "nickname": "American",
    "flight_count": 34577,
    "percent_of_flights": 0.10027347046489979
    "nickname": "Northwest",
    "flight_count": 33580,
    "percent_of_flights": 0.09738216554968143
    "nickname": "United",
    "flight_count": 32757,
    "percent_of_flights": 0.09499546149228454
WITH __stage0 AS (
    CASE WHEN group_set=1 THEN
      END as "nickname__1",
    CASE WHEN group_set=1 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END as "flight_count__1",
    (CASE WHEN group_set=1 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)*1.0/MAX((CASE WHEN group_set=0 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)) OVER () as "percent_of_flights__1"
  FROM '../data/flights.parquet' as flights
   LEFT JOIN '../data/carriers.parquet' AS carriers_0
    ON flights."carrier"=carriers_0."code"
  CROSS JOIN (SELECT UNNEST(GENERATE_SERIES(0,1,1)) as group_set  ) as group_set
  GROUP BY 1,2
  "nickname__1" as "nickname",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=1 THEN "flight_count__1" END) as "flight_count",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=1 THEN "percent_of_flights__1" END) as "percent_of_flights"
FROM __stage0
WHERE group_set NOT IN (0)

All of a particular grouping

The all() function can optionally take the names of output columns to show all of a particular value. You can see that all of Southwests fights is still 88,751. The output column name for carriers.nickname is nickname so we use that in the calculation. The exclude() function lets you eliminate a dimension from grouping.

run: flights -> {
    flights_by_this_carrier is all(flight_count, nickname)
    flights_to_this_destination is all(flight_count, destination)
    flights_by_this_origin is all(flight_count, origin)
    flights_on_this_route is exclude(flight_count, nickname)
  limit: 20
Atlantic SoutheastPFNATL78715,76978917,875787
Atlantic SoutheastATLPFN77615,76917,832778776
Atlantic SoutheastATLAGS71615,76917,832756717
Atlantic SoutheastAGSATL69615,76973717,875697
Atlantic SoutheastCHAATL67015,76969617,875670
Atlantic SoutheastATLCHA67015,76917,832697670
Atlantic SoutheastAVLATL65715,76974117,875657
Atlantic SoutheastATLCSG65415,76917,832654654
Atlantic SoutheastCSGATL65115,76965117,875651
Atlantic SoutheastATLAVL64315,76917,832727643
    "nickname": "Delta",
    "destination": "LGA",
    "origin": "DCA",
    "flight_count": 1903,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 32130,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 7625,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 6678,
    "flights_on_this_route": 2143
    "nickname": "Delta",
    "destination": "DCA",
    "origin": "LGA",
    "flight_count": 1901,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 32130,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 6695,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 7623,
    "flights_on_this_route": 2123
    "nickname": "Delta",
    "destination": "BOS",
    "origin": "LGA",
    "flight_count": 1033,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 32130,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 5799,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 7623,
    "flights_on_this_route": 1214
    "nickname": "Delta",
    "destination": "LGA",
    "origin": "BOS",
    "flight_count": 1031,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 32130,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 7625,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 5797,
    "flights_on_this_route": 1201
    "nickname": "Southwest",
    "destination": "OAK",
    "origin": "LAX",
    "flight_count": 821,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 88751,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 5082,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 11077,
    "flights_on_this_route": 868
    "nickname": "Atlantic Southeast",
    "destination": "PFN",
    "origin": "ATL",
    "flight_count": 787,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 15769,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 789,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 17875,
    "flights_on_this_route": 787
    "nickname": "Atlantic Southeast",
    "destination": "ATL",
    "origin": "PFN",
    "flight_count": 776,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 15769,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 17832,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 778,
    "flights_on_this_route": 776
    "nickname": "Southwest",
    "destination": "LAX",
    "origin": "OAK",
    "flight_count": 745,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 88751,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 11074,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 5076,
    "flights_on_this_route": 792
    "nickname": "Atlantic Southeast",
    "destination": "ATL",
    "origin": "AGS",
    "flight_count": 716,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 15769,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 17832,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 756,
    "flights_on_this_route": 717
    "nickname": "Atlantic Southeast",
    "destination": "AGS",
    "origin": "ATL",
    "flight_count": 696,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 15769,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 737,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 17875,
    "flights_on_this_route": 697
    "nickname": "Atlantic Southeast",
    "destination": "CHA",
    "origin": "ATL",
    "flight_count": 670,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 15769,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 696,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 17875,
    "flights_on_this_route": 670
    "nickname": "Atlantic Southeast",
    "destination": "ATL",
    "origin": "CHA",
    "flight_count": 670,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 15769,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 17832,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 697,
    "flights_on_this_route": 670
    "nickname": "Southwest",
    "destination": "LAX",
    "origin": "PHX",
    "flight_count": 661,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 88751,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 11074,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 12476,
    "flights_on_this_route": 819
    "nickname": "Atlantic Southeast",
    "destination": "AVL",
    "origin": "ATL",
    "flight_count": 657,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 15769,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 741,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 17875,
    "flights_on_this_route": 657
    "nickname": "Atlantic Southeast",
    "destination": "ATL",
    "origin": "CSG",
    "flight_count": 654,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 15769,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 17832,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 654,
    "flights_on_this_route": 654
    "nickname": "Atlantic Southeast",
    "destination": "CSG",
    "origin": "ATL",
    "flight_count": 651,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 15769,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 651,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 17875,
    "flights_on_this_route": 651
    "nickname": "Atlantic Southeast",
    "destination": "ATL",
    "origin": "AVL",
    "flight_count": 643,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 15769,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 17832,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 727,
    "flights_on_this_route": 643
    "nickname": "Southwest",
    "destination": "PHX",
    "origin": "LAS",
    "flight_count": 641,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 88751,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 12477,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 11096,
    "flights_on_this_route": 777
    "nickname": "Southwest",
    "destination": "LAS",
    "origin": "PHX",
    "flight_count": 637,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 88751,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 11092,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 12476,
    "flights_on_this_route": 788
    "nickname": "Southwest",
    "destination": "LAS",
    "origin": "LAX",
    "flight_count": 556,
    "flights_by_this_carrier": 88751,
    "flights_to_this_destination": 11092,
    "flights_by_this_origin": 11077,
    "flights_on_this_route": 1073
WITH __stage0 AS (
    CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,1) THEN
      END as "nickname__5",
    CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,2,4) THEN
      END as "destination__5",
    CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,3,4) THEN
      END as "origin__5",
    CASE WHEN group_set=5 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END as "flight_count__5",
    MAX((CASE WHEN group_set=1 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)) OVER (PARTITION BY CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,1) THEN
      END) as "flights_by_this_carrier__5",
    MAX((CASE WHEN group_set=2 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)) OVER (PARTITION BY CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,2,4) THEN
      END) as "flights_to_this_destination__5",
    MAX((CASE WHEN group_set=3 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)) OVER (PARTITION BY CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,3,4) THEN
      END) as "flights_by_this_origin__5",
    MAX((CASE WHEN group_set=4 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)) OVER (PARTITION BY CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,2,4) THEN
      END, CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,3,4) THEN
      END) as "flights_on_this_route__5"
  FROM '../data/flights.parquet' as flights
   LEFT JOIN '../data/carriers.parquet' AS carriers_0
    ON flights."carrier"=carriers_0."code"
  CROSS JOIN (SELECT UNNEST(GENERATE_SERIES(0,5,1)) as group_set  ) as group_set
  GROUP BY 1,2,3,4
  "nickname__5" as "nickname",
  "destination__5" as "destination",
  "origin__5" as "origin",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=5 THEN "flight_count__5" END) as "flight_count",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=5 THEN "flights_by_this_carrier__5" END) as "flights_by_this_carrier",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=5 THEN "flights_to_this_destination__5" END) as "flights_to_this_destination",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=5 THEN "flights_by_this_origin__5" END) as "flights_by_this_origin",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=5 THEN "flights_on_this_route__5" END) as "flights_on_this_route"
FROM __stage0
WHERE group_set NOT IN (0,1,2,3,4)
GROUP BY 1,2,3

As Percentages

Displaying results as percentages is often gives clues as to how numbers relate. Is this number a large or small percentage of the group? Level of detail calculations are great for this. In Malloy, identifiers enclosed in back-ticks can have spaces.

run: flights -> {
    # percent
    `carrier as a percent of all flights` is all(flight_count, nickname) / all(flight_count)
    # percent
    `destination as a percent of all flights` is all(flight_count, destination) / all(flight_count)
    # percent
    `origin as a percent of all flights` is all(flight_count, origin) / all(flight_count)
    # percent
    `carriers as a percentage of route` is flight_count / exclude(flight_count, nickname)
nicknamedestinationoriginflight_​countcarrier as a percent of all flightsdestination as a percent of all flightsorigin as a percent of all flightscarriers as a percentage of route
Atlantic SoutheastPFNATL7874.57%0.23%5.18%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLPFN7764.57%5.17%0.23%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLAGS7164.57%5.17%0.22%99.86%
Atlantic SoutheastAGSATL6964.57%0.21%5.18%99.86%
Atlantic SoutheastATLCHA6704.57%5.17%0.2%100%
Atlantic SoutheastCHAATL6704.57%0.2%5.18%100%
Atlantic SoutheastAVLATL6574.57%0.21%5.18%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLCSG6544.57%5.17%0.19%100%
Atlantic SoutheastCSGATL6514.57%0.19%5.18%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLAVL6434.57%5.17%0.21%100%
Atlantic SoutheastTRIATL5344.57%0.16%5.18%99.81%
Atlantic SoutheastATLTRI5344.57%5.17%0.16%99.63%
Atlantic SoutheastMGMATL5044.57%0.15%5.18%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLMGM5004.57%5.17%0.15%100%
American EagleDFWACT4944.6%5.16%0.14%100%
Atlantic SoutheastGNVATL4934.57%0.14%5.18%100%
American EagleACTDFW4924.6%0.14%5.16%100%
American EagleTYRDFW4824.6%0.14%5.16%100%
American EagleDFWTYR4804.6%5.16%0.14%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLGNV4694.57%5.17%0.14%100%
American EagleDFWSPS4574.6%5.16%0.13%100%
American EagleSPSDFW4564.6%0.13%5.16%100%
American EagleDFWCLL4484.6%5.16%0.13%100%
American EagleCLLDFW4454.6%0.13%5.16%100%
American EagleLAWDFW4294.6%0.12%5.16%100%
American EagleDFWLAW4234.6%5.16%0.12%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLMYR3874.57%5.17%0.18%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLVPS3854.57%5.17%0.12%99.74%
Atlantic SoutheastMYRATL3744.57%0.18%5.18%100%
American EagleILEDFW3724.6%0.12%5.16%89.21%
Atlantic SoutheastVPSATL3724.57%0.11%5.18%99.73%
American EagleDFWILE3704.6%5.16%0.12%89.16%
American EagleSHVDFW3604.6%0.12%5.16%99.72%
American EagleDFWSHV3564.6%5.16%0.12%99.72%
Atlantic SoutheastATLDHN3244.57%5.17%0.09%100%
Atlantic SoutheastDHNATL3234.57%0.09%5.18%100%
American EagleABIDFW2974.6%0.09%5.16%100%
American EagleDFWABI2964.6%5.16%0.09%100%
American EagleDFWGGG2584.6%5.16%0.07%100%
American EagleGGGDFW2584.6%0.07%5.16%100%
America WestPHXSMF2492.83%3.62%1.04%51.98%
America WestPHXDEN2412.83%3.62%2.09%51.83%
Atlantic SoutheastATLGPT2394.57%5.17%0.08%99.58%
Atlantic SoutheastGPTATL2384.57%0.08%5.18%99.58%
America WestDENPHX2312.83%2.08%3.62%52.62%
America WestSMFPHX2252.83%1.04%3.62%50.22%
American EagleSJTDFW2244.6%0.07%5.16%100%
Atlantic SoutheastTYSATL2234.57%0.14%5.18%67.58%
American EagleDFWSJT2224.6%5.16%0.06%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLTYS2194.57%5.17%0.13%67.59%
America WestABQPHX2132.83%0.8%3.62%39.96%
America WestPHXABQ2132.83%3.62%0.8%34.13%
Atlantic SoutheastVLDATL2064.57%0.06%5.18%100%
American EagleFSMDFW2024.6%0.06%5.16%100%
American EagleDFWFSM2024.6%5.16%0.06%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLVLD2004.57%5.17%0.06%100%
American EagleTXKDFW1934.6%0.06%5.16%94.15%
American EagleDFWTXK1934.6%5.16%0.06%93.24%
America WestSNALAS1842.83%0.56%3.22%64.56%
America WestDFWPHX1762.83%5.16%3.62%47.7%
Continental ExpressCLEHPN1754.66%1.49%0.09%100%
America WestPHXSNA1742.83%3.62%0.56%58.59%
Continental ExpressHPNCLE1724.66%0.09%1.49%100%
American EagleSGFDFW1704.6%0.05%5.16%100%
American EagleDFWSGF1704.6%5.16%0.05%100%
America WestSNAPHX1692.83%0.56%3.62%55.05%
America WestMCIPHX1662.83%1.18%3.62%53.9%
America WestPHXIAH1662.83%3.62%1.92%90.71%
America WestPHXMCI1652.83%3.62%1.18%49.4%
Continental ExpressCLEABE1634.66%1.49%0.15%100%
Continental ExpressABECLE1634.66%0.15%1.49%100%
America WestLAXLAS1632.83%3.21%3.22%15.69%
America WestPDXPHX1632.83%1.04%3.62%43.47%
Continental ExpressCLELGA1614.66%1.49%2.21%72.52%
Continental ExpressLGACLE1604.66%2.21%1.49%75.83%
America WestPHXLAX1592.83%3.62%3.21%21.57%
America WestLASSNA1572.83%3.22%0.56%60.38%
Atlantic SoutheastLEXATL1564.57%0.09%5.18%93.41%
America WestPHXDFW1562.83%3.62%5.16%46.15%
Continental ExpressCLEDAY1554.66%1.49%0.12%100%
American EagleGRKDFW1544.6%0.05%5.16%100%
American EagleDFWGRK1534.6%5.16%0.05%100%
America WestIAHPHX1522.83%1.92%3.62%90.48%
Atlantic SoutheastATLLEX1514.57%5.17%0.09%93.21%
American EagleLITDFW1434.6%0.25%5.16%59.58%
American EagleDFWLIT1414.6%5.16%0.25%59.24%
Continental ExpressMDTCLE1404.66%0.17%1.49%100%
America WestPHXPDX1392.83%3.62%1.04%37.87%
Continental ExpressCLEMDT1394.66%1.49%0.17%100%
Continental ExpressDAYCLE1384.66%0.12%1.49%100%
America WestPHXLAS1362.83%3.62%3.22%17.5%
America WestLASLAX1362.83%3.22%3.21%12.67%
America WestOMAPHX1352.83%0.27%3.62%68.53%
American EagleDFWXNA1344.6%5.16%0.09%76.14%
American EagleDFWCLE1344.6%5.16%1.49%59.29%
America WestPHXOMA1342.83%3.62%0.27%60.36%
American EagleCLEDFW1344.6%1.49%5.16%59.82%
America WestLASSFO1322.83%3.22%1.32%30.63%
America WestLAXPHX1302.83%3.21%3.62%15.87%
American EagleXNADFW1294.6%0.09%5.16%75.44%
America WestOAKPHX1262.83%1.47%3.62%47.19%
America WestSJCPHX1262.83%1.11%3.62%43.6%
America WestPHXOAK1242.83%3.62%1.47%42.61%
America WestPHXSJC1232.83%3.62%1.11%39.17%
America WestSFOLAS1202.83%1.31%3.22%28.78%
America WestRNOPHX1192.83%0.58%3.62%52.42%
America WestLASDFW1192.83%3.22%5.16%38.76%
America WestPHXTUS1192.83%3.62%0.31%77.78%
America WestLASPHX1192.83%3.22%3.62%15.1%
Atlantic SoutheastROAATL1184.57%0.05%5.18%97.52%
American EagleDFWBTR1164.6%5.16%0.08%84.67%
American EagleBTRDFW1164.6%0.08%5.16%93.55%
Continental ExpressCVGEWR1164.66%0.95%1.5%67.44%
Atlantic SoutheastATLROA1144.57%5.17%0.05%100%
America WestTUSPHX1122.83%0.31%3.62%77.24%
America WestPHXONT1112.83%3.62%0.77%22.61%
Continental ExpressEWRCVG1114.66%1.49%0.96%70.25%
America WestPHXRNO1092.83%3.62%0.58%44.67%
American EagleMAFDFW1094.6%0.12%5.16%99.09%
America WestSTLPHX1082.83%1.19%3.62%33.03%
American EagleDFWMAF1074.6%5.16%0.12%99.07%
America WestPHXSTL1062.83%3.62%1.19%28.42%
Continental ExpressINDCLE1054.66%0.65%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressCMHCLE1044.66%0.5%1.49%100%
American EagleORDLIT1044.6%4.12%0.25%100%
Continental ExpressCLTEWR1034.66%2.06%1.5%52.55%
American EagleLITORD1034.6%0.25%4.12%100%
American EagleDFWLBB1024.6%5.16%0.12%100%
Atlantic SoutheastMCNATL1024.57%0.03%5.18%100%
American EagleLBBDFW1024.6%0.12%5.16%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLMCN1024.57%5.17%0.03%100%
Continental ExpressCLECMH1014.66%1.49%0.5%100%
Continental ExpressDTWCLE1014.66%2.36%1.49%83.47%
Continental ExpressCLEDTW1014.66%1.49%2.37%61.59%
Continental ExpressCLEIND1004.66%1.49%0.65%97.09%
America WestONTPHX1002.83%0.77%3.62%18.08%
Continental ExpressEWRCLT994.66%1.49%2.06%50%
America WestELPPHX992.83%0.42%3.62%29.46%
Continental ExpressIAHSTL984.66%1.92%1.19%93.33%
America WestDFWLAS982.83%5.16%3.22%35.38%
America WestPHXBUR972.83%3.62%0.57%27.17%
American EagleAMADFW974.6%0.09%5.16%98.98%
American EagleDFWAMA974.6%5.16%0.09%98.98%
America WestPHXELP972.83%3.62%0.42%30.6%
Continental ExpressCLEPHL964.66%1.49%2.24%80%
America WestBURPHX962.83%0.56%3.62%35.29%
Continental ExpressBROIAH934.66%0.03%1.92%98.94%
Continental ExpressBHMIAH934.66%0.35%1.92%86.11%
Continental ExpressIAHBRO934.66%1.92%0.03%98.94%
Continental ExpressIAHCRP924.66%1.92%0.05%95.83%
Continental ExpressCRPIAH914.66%0.05%1.92%95.79%
American EagleDSMDFW914.6%0.07%5.16%97.85%
American EagleDFWDSM904.6%5.16%0.07%97.83%
Continental ExpressCLEGRR904.66%1.49%0.15%100%
America WestPHXAUS892.83%3.62%0.61%38.7%
Continental ExpressIADEWR894.66%1.14%1.5%100%
America WestSFOPHX892.83%1.31%3.62%30.58%
America WestAUSPHX892.83%0.61%3.62%38.7%
Continental ExpressPHLCLE894.66%2.23%1.49%64.96%
America WestSMFSNA892.83%1.04%0.56%35.32%
Continental ExpressIAHLIT874.66%1.92%0.25%100%
America WestMKEPHX872.83%0.33%3.62%97.75%
Continental ExpressIAHBHM864.66%1.92%0.35%85.15%
Continental ExpressCLECLT864.66%1.49%2.06%50.89%
Continental ExpressLITIAH864.66%0.25%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressMSNCLE864.66%0.08%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressCLTCLE864.66%2.06%1.49%61.43%
Continental ExpressEWRIAD854.66%1.49%1.13%100%
Atlantic SoutheastDFWTUL844.57%5.16%0.29%36.05%
Atlantic SoutheastTULDFW844.57%0.29%5.16%34.57%
America WestPHXMKE842.83%3.62%0.33%95.45%
Continental ExpressSTLIAH844.66%1.19%1.92%92.31%
Continental ExpressIAHPNS844.66%1.92%0.06%78.5%
American EagleDFWLRD844.6%5.16%0.03%100%
Continental ExpressPNSIAH844.66%0.06%1.92%77.06%
American EagleLRDDFW834.6%0.03%5.16%100%
Atlantic SoutheastFAYATL834.57%0.02%5.18%100%
Continental ExpressIAHLBB834.66%1.92%0.12%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLHSV834.57%5.17%0.18%16.4%
American EagleCLEORD834.6%1.49%4.12%32.42%
Atlantic SoutheastHSVATL834.57%0.18%5.18%16.63%
Atlantic SoutheastATLFAY834.57%5.17%0.02%100%
Continental ExpressLBBIAH824.66%0.12%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressBNAIAH814.66%1.24%1.92%92.05%
Continental ExpressCLEMSN814.66%1.49%0.08%100%
American EagleORDCLE804.6%4.12%1.49%33.9%
Continental ExpressGRRCLE804.66%0.15%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressCLEIAD794.66%1.49%1.13%100%
American EagleBGRBOS794.6%0.03%1.68%96.34%
America WestSLCPHX792.83%0.8%3.62%30.86%
Continental ExpressLFTIAH794.66%0.05%1.92%100%
America WestPHXSLC792.83%3.62%0.79%29.7%
Continental ExpressIAHLFT794.66%1.92%0.05%100%
America WestPHXSFO782.83%3.62%1.32%30.12%
American EagleORDOKC784.6%4.12%0.26%84.78%
American EagleOKCORD784.6%0.26%4.12%93.98%
American EagleBUFORD784.6%0.36%4.12%54.93%
Continental ExpressDCAEWR774.66%1.94%1.5%83.7%
American EagleTULDFW774.6%0.29%5.16%31.69%
American EagleDFWTUL774.6%5.16%0.29%33.05%
America WestMSPPHX762.83%2.83%3.62%21.29%
American EagleBOSBGR764.6%1.68%0.03%97.44%
Continental ExpressMKECLE764.66%0.33%1.49%100%
America WestLASSEA762.83%3.22%2.03%18.05%
American EagleORDBUF764.6%4.12%0.36%53.52%
America WestPHXSAN762.83%3.62%1.47%15.97%
America WestGEGPHX762.83%0.27%3.62%100%
Continental ExpressIADCLE764.66%1.14%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressMAFIAH754.66%0.12%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressIAHMAF754.66%1.92%0.12%100%
America WestPHXGEG742.83%3.62%0.27%100%
America WestSEAPHX732.83%2.03%3.62%18.39%
Continental ExpressCLEMKE734.66%1.49%0.33%100%
Continental ExpressEWRDCA724.66%1.49%1.94%69.9%
American EagleORDDSM724.6%4.12%0.07%83.72%
Continental ExpressCLEORD724.66%1.49%4.12%28.13%
Continental ExpressORDCLE724.66%4.12%1.49%30.51%
American EagleORDHPN724.6%4.12%0.09%100%
American EagleHPNORD724.6%0.09%4.12%100%
America WestDENLAS712.83%2.08%3.22%17.15%
America WestPHXMSP712.83%3.62%2.83%21.26%
American EagleDSMORD714.6%0.07%4.12%80.68%
Continental ExpressINDEWR714.66%0.65%1.5%68.27%
Continental ExpressDAYEWR714.66%0.12%1.5%100%
Continental ExpressIAHHRL704.66%1.92%0.05%100%
Continental ExpressHRLIAH704.66%0.05%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressCLEDCA704.66%1.49%1.94%66.04%
Continental ExpressEWRSYR704.66%1.49%0.17%100%
Continental ExpressJFKCLE694.66%1.07%1.49%78.41%
America WestSNASMF692.83%0.56%1.04%31.94%
America WestSANPHX692.83%1.47%3.62%12.17%
Continental ExpressCLEJFK684.66%1.49%1.07%78.16%
Continental ExpressIAHBNA684.66%1.92%1.24%91.89%
Continental ExpressMDWCLE684.66%1.92%1.49%22.15%
Continental ExpressCLEMDW674.66%1.49%1.92%23.59%
Continental ExpressLEXCLE674.66%0.09%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressSTLEWR674.66%1.19%1.5%98.53%
Continental ExpressEWRORF674.66%1.49%0.26%89.33%
Continental ExpressEWRRIC664.66%1.49%0.27%97.06%
America WestLASPDX662.83%3.22%1.04%22.53%
Continental ExpressOKCIAH664.66%0.26%1.92%62.26%
Continental ExpressIAHCLT664.66%1.92%2.06%32.35%
Continental ExpressIAHOKC654.66%1.92%0.26%61.9%
American EagleJFKBOS654.6%1.07%1.68%84.42%
Continental ExpressIAHMEM654.66%1.92%0.65%48.87%
Continental ExpressDCACLE654.66%1.94%1.49%68.42%
Continental ExpressSYRCLE644.66%0.17%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressCLTIAH644.66%2.06%1.92%29.22%
Continental ExpressEWRROC644.66%1.49%0.21%98.46%
American EagleBOSJFK644.6%1.68%1.07%82.05%
Continental ExpressEWRBNA634.66%1.49%1.24%95.45%
America WestSEALAS632.83%2.03%3.22%15.25%
Continental ExpressIAHSDF634.66%1.92%0.29%84%
Continental ExpressSDFIAH624.66%0.29%1.92%83.78%
Continental ExpressIAHBTR624.66%1.92%0.08%96.88%
Continental ExpressIAHIND624.66%1.92%0.65%62.63%
Continental ExpressORFEWR624.66%0.26%1.5%88.57%
Continental ExpressEWRIND614.66%1.49%0.65%67.78%
America WestLASDEN612.83%3.22%2.09%15.4%
Continental ExpressBTRIAH604.66%0.08%1.92%96.77%
America WestPHXSEA602.83%3.62%2.03%15.71%
Continental ExpressGSPEWR604.66%0.07%1.5%100%
Continental ExpressSYREWR604.66%0.17%1.5%100%
American EagleICTDFW594.6%0.05%5.16%61.46%
Continental ExpressBNAEWR594.66%1.24%1.5%96.72%
Continental ExpressIAHTUL594.66%1.92%0.29%56.73%
America WestSMFLAS582.83%1.04%3.22%18.47%
Continental ExpressEWRALB584.66%1.49%0.32%100%
Continental ExpressMEMCLE584.66%0.65%1.49%100%
American EagleDFWICT584.6%5.16%0.05%61.05%
America WestLASSMF582.83%3.22%1.04%17.74%
Continental ExpressMEMIAH584.66%0.65%1.92%38.67%
Continental ExpressDTWEWR574.66%2.36%1.5%20.28%
America WestLASSJC572.83%3.22%1.11%18.81%
Continental ExpressEWRDAY574.66%1.49%0.12%100%
Continental ExpressCLEMEM574.66%1.49%0.65%100%
Continental ExpressRDUCLE564.66%0.71%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressDALIAH564.66%0.48%1.92%65.12%
Continental ExpressIAHDAL564.66%1.92%0.48%65.12%
Continental ExpressEWRDTW564.66%1.49%2.37%20%
Continental ExpressCLEMSP564.66%1.49%2.83%62.22%
Continental ExpressGSOEWR564.66%0.14%1.5%94.92%
Continental ExpressMCIIAH554.66%1.18%1.92%59.78%
Atlantic SoutheastOKCDFW554.57%0.26%5.16%28.5%
American EagleBNAORD554.6%1.24%4.12%57.89%
Continental ExpressTULIAH554.66%0.29%1.92%55%
Atlantic SoutheastDFWOKC554.57%5.16%0.26%29.89%
America WestSJCLAS542.83%1.11%3.22%19.08%
America WestPHXLGB542.83%3.62%0.19%100%
Continental ExpressEWRGSO544.66%1.49%0.14%93.1%
Continental ExpressIAHMCI544.66%1.92%1.18%52.94%
Continental ExpressEWRPVD544.66%1.49%0.68%81.82%
American EagleORDXNA544.6%4.12%0.09%90%
American EagleXNAORD544.6%0.09%4.12%90%
Continental ExpressEWRMKE544.66%1.49%0.33%100%
Continental ExpressCLESYR544.66%1.49%0.17%100%
America WestLGBPHX542.83%0.19%3.62%100%
Continental ExpressRICEWR544.66%0.27%1.5%96.43%
Continental ExpressATLCLE534.66%5.17%1.49%32.92%
Continental ExpressEWRSTL534.66%1.49%1.19%98.15%
American EagleORDBNA534.6%4.12%1.24%63.1%
Continental ExpressCLERDU524.66%1.49%0.71%100%
Continental ExpressORFCLE524.66%0.26%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressCLEATL524.66%1.49%5.18%33.99%
Continental ExpressALBEWR514.66%0.32%1.5%100%
American EagleALBORD514.6%0.32%4.12%39.53%
American EagleJFKBWI514.6%1.07%2.08%83.61%
American EagleBWIJFK514.6%2.09%1.07%96.23%
American EagleORDALB514.6%4.12%0.32%39.53%
American EagleLFTDFW514.6%0.05%5.16%62.2%
American EagleDFWOKC504.6%5.16%0.26%27.17%
Continental ExpressEWRPIT504.66%1.49%1.32%29.07%
American EagleOKCDFW504.6%0.26%5.16%25.91%
Continental ExpressEWRRDU504.66%1.49%0.71%63.29%
Continental ExpressPVDEWR504.66%0.69%1.5%80.65%
Atlantic SoutheastDFWHOU494.57%5.16%0.99%69.01%
Continental ExpressMSPCLE494.66%2.83%1.49%39.84%
Continental ExpressPVDCLE494.66%0.69%1.49%90.74%
Continental ExpressIAHOMA494.66%1.92%0.27%74.24%
Continental ExpressCVGIAH494.66%0.95%1.92%77.78%
Atlantic SoutheastHOUDFW494.57%0.99%5.16%69.01%
American EagleDFWLFT494.6%5.16%0.05%62.82%
Continental ExpressIAHCVG484.66%1.92%0.96%75%
Continental ExpressCLESDF484.66%1.49%0.29%100%
Continental ExpressEWRSAV484.66%1.49%0.12%100%
Continental ExpressIAHMOB484.66%1.92%0.04%100%
American EagleBOSPWM484.6%1.68%0.09%90.57%
American EagleISPBOS484.6%0.37%1.68%100%
American EaglePWMBOS484.6%0.1%1.68%90.57%
Continental ExpressIAHAMA484.66%1.92%0.09%100%
Continental ExpressBWIEWR484.66%2.09%1.5%96%
Continental ExpressSDFEWR484.66%0.29%1.5%100%
Continental ExpressALBCLE484.66%0.32%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressAMAIAH484.66%0.09%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressMOBIAH484.66%0.04%1.92%100%
American EagleBOSISP484.6%1.68%0.38%100%
Continental ExpressCLELEX474.66%1.49%0.09%100%
America WestINDPHX472.83%0.65%3.62%44.76%
American EagleMKEORD474.6%0.33%4.12%97.92%
Continental ExpressCLEORF474.66%1.49%0.26%100%
Continental ExpressOMAIAH474.66%0.27%1.92%73.44%
Continental ExpressINDIAH474.66%0.65%1.92%56.63%
America WestPHXIND472.83%3.62%0.65%41.23%
Continental ExpressMHTCLE474.66%0.47%1.49%95.92%
Continental ExpressBUFEWR464.66%0.36%1.5%64.79%
American EagleORDMKE464.6%4.12%0.33%97.87%
Continental ExpressSDFCLE464.66%0.29%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressRDUEWR464.66%0.71%1.5%61.33%
Continental ExpressROCEWR464.66%0.21%1.5%97.87%
Continental ExpressPITEWR464.66%1.31%1.5%26.9%
American EagleORDATL464.6%4.12%5.18%14.56%
American EagleATLORD464.6%5.17%4.12%13.61%
Continental ExpressCLEPVD454.66%1.49%0.68%90%
Continental ExpressIAHCOS454.66%1.92%0.12%67.16%
Continental ExpressROCCLE454.66%0.21%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressEWRSDF454.66%1.49%0.29%100%
Atlantic SoutheastDFWILE454.57%5.16%0.12%10.84%
Atlantic SoutheastILEDFW454.57%0.12%5.16%10.79%
Continental ExpressCOSIAH454.66%0.12%1.92%67.16%
American EagleCRPDFW444.6%0.05%5.16%100%
Continental ExpressSAVEWR444.66%0.12%1.5%100%
Continental ExpressCLEISP444.66%1.49%0.38%100%
America WestSANLAS442.83%1.47%3.22%8.89%
American EagleRDUJFK444.6%0.71%1.07%73.33%
Continental ExpressEWRCHS444.66%1.49%0.14%95.65%
Continental ExpressEWRCMH444.66%1.49%0.5%61.11%
Continental ExpressIAHTYS444.66%1.92%0.13%100%
Continental ExpressEWRGSP444.66%1.49%0.07%100%
Continental ExpressISPCLE444.66%0.37%1.49%100%
American EagleBPTDFW434.6%0.02%5.16%100%
Continental ExpressMKEEWR434.66%0.33%1.5%100%
Continental ExpressCLECVG434.66%1.49%0.96%33.08%
Continental ExpressCLEBUF424.66%1.49%0.36%100%
American EagleJFKRDU424.6%1.07%0.71%95.45%
American EagleDFWCRP424.6%5.16%0.05%100%
Continental ExpressIAHJAX424.66%1.92%0.46%48.28%
Continental ExpressTYSEWR424.66%0.14%1.5%100%
America WestPDXLAS422.83%1.04%3.22%15.85%
Continental ExpressCMHEWR424.66%0.5%1.5%61.76%
Continental ExpressCLEALB414.66%1.49%0.32%100%
Continental ExpressSTLCLE414.66%1.19%1.49%30.83%
Continental ExpressJAXIAH414.66%0.46%1.92%51.25%
Continental ExpressRICCLE414.66%0.27%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressEWRBWI414.66%1.49%2.08%100%
Continental ExpressCHSEWR414.66%0.14%1.5%95.35%
Continental ExpressIAHLCH414.66%1.92%0.01%100%
American EagleDFWBPT414.6%5.16%0.02%100%
Continental ExpressLCHIAH414.66%0.01%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressCLESTL414.66%1.49%1.19%39.05%
America WestLASOAK402.83%3.22%1.47%9.48%
Continental ExpressPWMEWR404.66%0.1%1.5%100%
American EagleHPNBOS404.6%0.09%1.68%100%
American EagleDFWMSP404.6%5.16%2.83%19.61%
American EagleOMAORD404.6%0.27%4.12%60.61%
American EagleORDOMA404.6%4.12%0.27%59.7%
American EagleBOSPHL404.6%1.68%2.24%8.91%
American EagleMSPDFW404.6%2.83%5.16%19.8%
American EagleALBJFK404.6%0.32%1.07%100%
Continental ExpressELPIAH404.66%0.42%1.92%68.97%
American EagleBOSHPN404.6%1.68%0.09%100%
Continental ExpressIAHELP404.66%1.92%0.42%68.97%
American EagleDFWMKE394.6%5.16%0.33%100%
American EagleJFKALB394.6%1.07%0.32%100%
Continental ExpressMKEIAH394.66%0.33%1.92%92.86%
Continental ExpressCVGCLE394.66%0.95%1.49%33.33%
Continental ExpressIAHAEX394.66%1.92%0.02%100%
Atlantic SoutheastIAHDFW394.57%1.92%5.16%12.79%
American EaglePHLBOS394.6%2.23%1.68%8.44%
Continental ExpressIAHGSP394.66%1.92%0.07%100%
Continental ExpressIAHSHV394.66%1.92%0.12%100%
Continental ExpressAEXIAH394.66%0.02%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressSHVIAH394.66%0.12%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressIAHICT394.66%1.92%0.05%100%
Continental ExpressICTIAH394.66%0.05%1.92%100%
Atlantic SoutheastDFWIAH394.57%5.16%1.92%11.47%
Continental ExpressEWRPWM394.66%1.49%0.09%100%
Continental ExpressCLEBNA384.66%1.49%1.24%19.19%
America WestLASSAN382.83%3.22%1.47%7.48%
Continental ExpressEWRBUF384.66%1.49%0.36%60.32%
Continental ExpressGSPIAH384.66%0.07%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressEWRBHM384.66%1.49%0.35%100%
Continental ExpressCLEMHT384.66%1.49%0.47%95%
Continental ExpressEWRBTV384.66%1.49%0.09%100%
American EagleMKEDFW384.6%0.33%5.16%100%
Continental ExpressTYSIAH374.66%0.14%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressCLEDFW374.66%1.49%5.16%16.52%
Continental ExpressGPTIAH374.66%0.08%1.92%97.37%
Continental ExpressIAHGPT374.66%1.92%0.08%97.37%
Continental ExpressEWRMHT374.66%1.49%0.47%92.5%
America WestOAKLAS362.83%1.47%3.22%9.6%
Continental ExpressEWRCAE364.66%1.49%0.11%100%
America WestPHXBOI362.83%3.62%0.23%100%
Continental ExpressIAHBPT364.66%1.92%0.02%100%
Continental ExpressBPTIAH364.66%0.02%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressDFWCLE364.66%5.16%1.49%15.93%
America WestBOIPHX362.83%0.23%3.62%100%
Continental ExpressCHSIAH364.66%0.14%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressCLEGSP354.66%1.49%0.07%100%
Continental ExpressCLEMCI354.66%1.49%1.18%100%
Continental ExpressCLETYS344.66%1.49%0.13%100%
Continental ExpressBUFCLE344.66%0.36%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressIAHCHS334.66%1.92%0.14%100%
Continental ExpressMCICLE334.66%1.18%1.49%100%
America WestLASMSP332.83%3.22%2.83%8.97%
Continental ExpressJANIAH324.66%0.1%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressIAHJAN324.66%1.92%0.1%100%
America WestONTLAS322.83%0.77%3.22%10.6%
Continental ExpressSAVIAH324.66%0.12%1.92%100%
American EagleJFKSYR324.6%1.07%0.17%32.32%
Continental ExpressIAHHSV314.66%1.92%0.18%100%
Continental ExpressIAHMKE314.66%1.92%0.33%91.18%
American EagleROCJFK314.6%0.21%1.07%24.22%
America WestPHXSAT312.83%3.62%0.54%20.95%
America WestSATPHX312.83%0.54%3.62%17.32%
Continental ExpressDFWIAH314.66%5.16%1.92%9.12%
American EagleJFKROC314.6%1.07%0.21%24.22%
Continental ExpressBTVEWR314.66%0.09%1.5%100%
Atlantic SoutheastLFTDFW314.57%0.05%5.16%37.8%
American EagleGRRORD314.6%0.15%4.12%68.89%
American EagleORDGRR314.6%4.12%0.15%68.89%
America WestPHXCOS302.83%3.62%0.12%100%
American EaglePITJFK304.6%1.31%1.07%73.17%
Continental ExpressPHLEWR304.66%2.23%1.5%100%
American EagleJFKPIT304.6%1.07%1.32%71.43%
American EagleSYRJFK304.6%0.17%1.07%30.93%
Continental ExpressMSPEWR304.66%2.83%1.5%16.3%
Continental ExpressBHMEWR304.66%0.35%1.5%100%
America WestCOSPHX302.83%0.12%3.62%100%
Continental ExpressIAHATL294.66%1.92%5.18%27.1%
Continental ExpressMHTEWR294.66%0.47%1.5%90.63%
Atlantic SoutheastDFWLFT294.57%5.16%0.05%37.18%
Continental ExpressEWRTYS294.66%1.49%0.13%100%
Continental ExpressBNACLE294.66%1.24%1.49%18.01%
Continental ExpressIAHDFW294.66%1.92%5.16%9.51%
Continental ExpressATLIAH284.66%5.17%1.92%24.14%
America WestMSPLAS282.83%2.83%3.22%8.12%
American EagleDCAJFK284.6%1.94%1.07%96.55%
Continental ExpressCAEIAH284.66%0.11%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressMEMEWR284.66%0.65%1.5%75.68%
American EagleJFKDCA284.6%1.07%1.94%96.55%
Continental ExpressCLERIC284.66%1.49%0.27%100%
Continental ExpressEWRLEX284.66%1.49%0.09%100%
Continental ExpressIAHSAV284.66%1.92%0.12%100%
Continental ExpressHSVIAH274.66%0.18%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressGRREWR274.66%0.15%1.5%100%
American EagleJFKBDL274.6%1.07%0.63%100%
American EagleGSODFW274.6%0.14%5.16%96.43%
Continental ExpressTYSCLE274.66%0.14%1.49%100%
American EagleBDLJFK274.6%0.63%1.07%100%
American EagleDFWGSO274.6%5.16%0.14%96.43%
Continental ExpressCLEROC274.66%1.49%0.21%100%
Continental ExpressEWRAGS274.66%1.49%0.22%100%
American EagleCMHORD274.6%0.5%4.12%31.03%
Continental ExpressIAHLEX274.66%1.92%0.09%100%
American EaglePVDLGA274.6%0.69%2.21%100%
Continental ExpressBDLEWR264.66%0.63%1.5%100%
Continental ExpressDAYIAH264.66%0.12%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressEWRBDL264.66%1.49%0.63%86.67%
American EagleBOSBTV264.6%1.68%0.09%96.3%
American EagleORDCMH264.6%4.12%0.5%26.26%
American EagleLGAPVD264.6%2.21%0.68%100%
America WestMSYPHX262.83%0.95%3.62%28.89%
Continental ExpressCAEEWR264.66%0.11%1.5%100%
Atlantic SoutheastDFWAEX264.57%5.16%0.02%100%
Continental ExpressIAHIAD264.66%1.92%1.13%65%
Continental ExpressBTVCLE254.66%0.09%1.49%100%
American EagleXNALAX254.6%0.09%3.21%100%
American EagleSDFORD254.6%0.29%4.12%100%
American EagleLAXXNA254.6%3.21%0.09%100%
Continental ExpressJAXEWR254.66%0.46%1.5%45.45%
American EagleORDSDF254.6%4.12%0.29%100%
American EagleBTVBOS254.6%0.09%1.68%86.21%
Continental ExpressIADIAH244.66%1.14%1.92%63.16%
America WestPHXMSY242.83%3.62%0.94%24.24%
American EagleDAYDFW244.6%0.12%5.16%57.14%
American EagleDFWDAY244.6%5.16%0.12%57.14%
America WestLASRNO242.83%3.22%0.58%6.09%
Continental ExpressIAHDAY244.66%1.92%0.12%100%
Continental ExpressEWRJAX234.66%1.49%0.46%46.94%
Continental ExpressIAHXNA234.66%1.92%0.09%100%
Continental ExpressCLEBDL234.66%1.49%0.63%60.53%
Continental ExpressEWRMSN234.66%1.49%0.08%100%
Continental ExpressXNAIAH234.66%0.09%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressPITIAH234.66%1.31%1.92%13.77%
Continental ExpressLRDIAH234.66%0.03%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressIAHLRD234.66%1.92%0.03%100%
Continental ExpressEWRMSP234.66%1.49%2.83%13.61%
Continental ExpressEWRPHL234.66%1.49%2.24%100%
Atlantic SoutheastAEXDFW234.57%0.02%5.16%100%
Continental ExpressBDLCLE234.66%0.63%1.49%56.1%
American EagleJFKPVD224.6%1.07%0.68%100%
Continental ExpressMSYCLE224.66%0.95%1.49%73.33%
Continental ExpressCLEMSY224.66%1.49%0.94%81.48%
Continental ExpressLEXIAH224.66%0.09%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressAGSEWR224.66%0.21%1.5%100%
American EagleHOUDFW224.6%0.99%5.16%30.99%
Atlantic SoutheastGTRATL224.57%0.01%5.18%100%
American EaglePVDJFK224.6%0.69%1.07%100%
American EagleDFWHOU224.6%5.16%0.99%30.99%
America WestDTWPHX222.83%2.36%3.62%10.38%
Continental ExpressEWRMEM224.66%1.49%0.65%64.71%
Continental ExpressMCIEWR224.66%1.18%1.5%56.41%
Continental ExpressEWRAVL214.66%1.49%0.21%100%
Continental ExpressRDUIAH214.66%0.71%1.92%35.59%
Continental ExpressEFDIAH214.66%0.01%1.92%100%
America WestLASONT212.83%3.22%0.77%6.1%
Atlantic SoutheastATLMEI214.57%5.17%0.01%100%
Continental ExpressIAHEFD214.66%1.92%0.01%100%
Continental ExpressDABEWR214.66%0.01%1.5%84%
Continental ExpressEWRMCI214.66%1.49%1.18%77.78%
Continental ExpressIAHRDU214.66%1.92%0.71%35.59%
Continental ExpressGSPCLE204.66%0.07%1.49%100%
American EagleJFKBUF204.6%1.07%0.36%14.18%
American EagleDFWJAN204.6%5.16%0.1%95.24%
American EagleJANDFW204.6%0.1%5.16%90.91%
Atlantic SoutheastATLGTR204.57%5.17%0.01%100%
American EagleBUFJFK204.6%0.36%1.07%14.29%
Continental ExpressAVLEWR204.66%0.21%1.5%100%
Atlantic SoutheastXNADFW204.57%0.09%5.16%11.7%
Atlantic SoutheastDFWXNA204.57%5.16%0.09%11.36%
Continental ExpressEWRDAB204.66%1.49%0.01%83.33%
American EagleBOSALB204.6%1.68%0.32%100%
Continental ExpressBHMCLE194.66%0.35%1.49%100%
American EagleJFKCLE194.6%1.07%1.49%21.59%
Atlantic SoutheastATLPNS194.57%5.17%0.06%90.48%
American EagleALBBOS194.6%0.32%1.68%100%
Continental ExpressTUSIAH194.66%0.31%1.92%48.72%
Continental ExpressIAHPIT194.66%1.92%1.32%12.93%
American EagleCLEJFK194.6%1.49%1.07%21.84%
Continental ExpressHPNEWR194.66%0.09%1.5%100%
Continental ExpressEWRGRR184.66%1.49%0.15%100%
Continental ExpressAGSIAH184.66%0.21%1.92%100%
American EagleDAYORD184.6%0.12%4.12%60%
Continental ExpressMFEIAH184.66%0.04%1.92%20.69%
Continental ExpressIAHMFE184.66%1.92%0.04%20.69%
Continental ExpressCLEBTV184.66%1.49%0.09%100%
Continental ExpressCLEAUS184.66%1.49%0.61%100%
Continental ExpressIAHRIC184.66%1.92%0.27%100%
Atlantic SoutheastMEILFT184.57%0.01%0.05%100%
American EagleSBADFW184.6%0.01%5.16%100%
Continental ExpressGRRIAH184.66%0.15%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressIAHCAE184.66%1.92%0.11%100%
Continental ExpressIAHGSO184.66%1.92%0.14%100%
Continental ExpressIAHTUS184.66%1.92%0.31%47.37%
Continental ExpressMSNEWR184.66%0.08%1.5%100%
American EagleLGAMHT184.6%2.21%0.47%94.74%
Atlantic SoutheastMEIATL184.57%0.01%5.18%100%
America WestIAHLAS182.83%1.92%3.22%100%
Continental ExpressCLEBHM184.66%1.49%0.35%100%
American EagleBOSROC174.6%1.68%0.21%77.27%
Continental ExpressGSOIAH174.66%0.14%1.92%94.44%
Continental ExpressORFIAH174.66%0.26%1.92%80.95%
American EagleMHTLGA174.6%0.47%2.21%80.95%
Atlantic SoutheastAEXGTR174.57%0.02%0.01%100%
American EagleDFWSBA174.6%5.16%0.01%100%
American EagleROCBOS174.6%0.21%1.68%68%
Atlantic SoutheastPNSATL174.57%0.06%5.18%89.47%
American EagleORDDAY174.6%4.12%0.12%58.62%
Continental ExpressORDIAH174.66%4.12%1.92%10%
American EagleSDFDFW174.6%0.29%5.16%45.95%
American EagleORDICT174.6%4.12%0.05%100%
American EagleDFWSDF174.6%5.16%0.29%45.95%
Continental ExpressIAHDSM164.66%1.92%0.07%100%
Continental ExpressDSMIAH164.66%0.07%1.92%100%
American EagleCIDORD164.6%0.01%4.12%100%
America WestDSMPHX162.83%0.07%3.62%100%
Continental ExpressAUSCLE164.66%0.61%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressIAHVPS164.66%1.92%0.12%100%
America WestPHXDSM162.83%3.62%0.07%100%
Continental ExpressEWRXNA164.66%1.49%0.09%100%
Atlantic SoutheastLFTMEI164.57%0.05%0.01%100%
American EagleICTORD164.6%0.05%4.12%100%
American EagleORDCID164.6%4.12%0.01%100%
America WestORDPHX162.83%4.12%3.62%4.37%
Continental ExpressVPSIAH164.66%0.11%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressXNAEWR164.66%0.09%1.5%100%
Atlantic SoutheastTRICVG154.57%0.16%0.96%48.39%
America WestPHXORD152.83%3.62%4.12%4.03%
Atlantic SoutheastGTRAEX154.57%0.01%0.02%100%
American EagleORDPWM154.6%4.12%0.09%100%
Continental ExpressRICIAH154.66%0.27%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressEWRACK154.66%1.49%0%100%
Continental ExpressEWRHPN154.66%1.49%0.09%100%
Continental ExpressIAHORF154.66%1.92%0.26%78.95%
Continental ExpressIAHORD154.66%1.92%4.12%9.49%
Continental ExpressOMAEWR154.66%0.27%1.5%100%
Continental ExpressPSPIAH154.66%0.07%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressIAHGRR154.66%1.92%0.15%100%
Continental ExpressACKEWR154.66%0%1.5%100%
American EaglePWMORD154.6%0.1%4.12%100%
American EagleORDIND154.6%4.12%0.65%13.89%
Continental ExpressIAHPSP154.66%1.92%0.07%100%
American EagleINDORD154.6%0.65%4.12%13.04%
America WestRNOLAS142.83%0.58%3.22%3.28%
Continental ExpressIAHCMH144.66%1.92%0.5%29.79%
Continental ExpressTULEWR144.66%0.29%1.5%100%
Atlantic SoutheastLYHATL144.57%0%5.18%100%
Atlantic SoutheastDFWTXK144.57%5.16%0.06%6.76%
Atlantic SoutheastCVGEVV144.57%0.95%0.01%40%
Continental ExpressCMHIAH144.66%0.5%1.92%28%
America WestPHXDTW142.83%3.62%2.37%7.22%
Atlantic SoutheastCVGSDF144.57%0.95%0.29%40%
Atlantic SoutheastSDFCVG144.57%0.29%0.96%29.17%
Continental ExpressIAHABQ144.66%1.92%0.8%10.94%
Atlantic SoutheastEVVCVG144.57%0.01%0.96%50%
Atlantic SoutheastCVGCHA144.57%0.95%0.2%51.85%
Continental ExpressABQIAH144.66%0.8%1.92%10.85%
American EagleORDCOS134.6%4.12%0.12%50%
Atlantic SoutheastCVGTRI134.57%0.95%0.16%46.43%
American EagleMDWDFW134.6%1.92%5.16%7.65%
Atlantic SoutheastICTDFW134.57%0.05%5.16%13.54%
Atlantic SoutheastDFWICT134.57%5.16%0.05%13.68%
American EagleSYRBOS134.6%0.17%1.68%100%
American EagleCOSORD134.6%0.12%4.12%46.43%
Atlantic SoutheastATLLYH134.57%5.17%0%100%
Continental ExpressHSVEWR134.66%0.18%1.5%100%
Continental ExpressEWROMA134.66%1.49%0.27%100%
Continental ExpressLEXEWR134.66%0.09%1.5%100%
American EagleDFWBUF134.6%5.16%0.36%72.22%
American EagleORHJFK124.6%0%1.07%100%
American EagleJFKORH124.6%1.07%0%100%
Atlantic SoutheastTXKDFW124.57%0.06%5.16%5.85%
Continental ExpressIAHAGS124.66%1.92%0.22%100%
Continental ExpressIAHBOI124.66%1.92%0.23%100%
Atlantic SoutheastCHACVG124.57%0.2%0.96%46.15%
American EagleBUFDFW124.6%0.36%5.16%66.67%
America WestLASMKE122.83%3.22%0.33%41.38%
Atlantic SoutheastTLHATL124.57%0.08%5.18%4.71%
American EagleDFWMDW124.6%5.16%1.92%7.14%
Continental ExpressBOIIAH124.66%0.23%1.92%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLTLH124.57%5.17%0.08%4.74%
American EagleBOSSYR114.6%1.68%0.17%100%
Continental ExpressPBIIAH114.66%0.4%1.92%45.83%
Continental ExpressCLEBOS114.66%1.49%1.68%16.67%
Continental ExpressCLEBWI114.66%1.49%2.08%5.31%
American EaglePITDFW114.6%1.31%5.16%3.31%
Continental ExpressEWROKC114.66%1.49%0.26%100%
Continental ExpressIAHPBI114.66%1.92%0.4%45.83%
America WestTUSLAS112.83%0.31%3.22%7.53%
Continental ExpressEWRHSV114.66%1.49%0.18%100%
Continental ExpressAVLIAH104.66%0.21%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressOKCEWR104.66%0.26%1.5%100%
Continental ExpressBOSCLE104.66%1.68%1.49%12.66%
America WestLASELP102.83%3.22%0.42%15.38%
Atlantic SoutheastLITDFW104.57%0.25%5.16%4.17%
American EagleORDROC104.6%4.12%0.21%14.49%
Atlantic SoutheastMLUDFW104.57%0%5.16%100%
American EagleDFWPIT104.6%5.16%1.32%2.85%
American EagleMDTORD104.6%0.17%4.12%43.48%
Continental ExpressBGREWR104.66%0.03%1.5%100%
American EagleROCORD104.6%0.21%4.12%14.29%
Atlantic SoutheastDFWMLU104.57%5.16%0%100%
Atlantic SoutheastDFWLIT104.57%5.16%0.25%4.2%
America WestICTPHX102.83%0.05%3.62%100%
Continental ExpressEWRBGR104.66%1.49%0.03%100%
America WestPHXICT102.83%3.62%0.05%100%
Continental ExpressBFLIAH94.66%0%1.92%100%
American EagleDFWSYR94.6%5.16%0.17%100%
Continental ExpressIAHBFL94.66%1.92%0%100%
Continental ExpressIAHPHX94.66%1.92%3.62%5.36%
American EagleSYRDFW94.6%0.17%5.16%100%
Continental ExpressEWRTUL94.66%1.49%0.29%100%
Continental ExpressIAHAVL94.66%1.92%0.21%100%
Continental ExpressIAHSLC94.66%1.92%0.79%28.13%
Continental ExpressSLCIAH94.66%0.8%1.92%29.03%
America WestMKELAS92.83%0.33%3.22%28.13%
Continental ExpressPHXIAH94.66%3.62%1.92%4.92%
Continental ExpressAUSIAH84.66%0.61%1.92%11.11%
Continental ExpressGRKIAH84.66%0.05%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressIAHGRK84.66%1.92%0.05%100%
Continental ExpressMSPIAH84.66%2.83%1.92%3.59%
American EagleORDMDT84.6%4.12%0.17%38.1%
Continental ExpressSRQIAH84.66%0.06%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressIAHMTJ84.66%1.92%0.01%53.33%
America WestLASDTW82.83%3.22%2.37%3.79%
American EagleDFWCID84.6%5.16%0.01%100%
America WestLASSTL82.83%3.22%1.19%19.05%
Continental ExpressMTJIAH84.66%0.01%1.92%53.33%
America WestELPLAS82.83%0.42%3.22%14.04%
Continental ExpressIAHSRQ84.66%1.92%0.06%100%
American EagleORDMSP74.6%4.12%2.83%2.48%
American EagleMSPORD74.6%2.83%4.12%3.1%
Continental ExpressDENCLE74.66%2.08%1.49%9.59%
Continental ExpressIAHMSP74.66%1.92%2.83%3.04%
Atlantic SoutheastCAKCVG74.57%0.01%0.96%30.43%
American EagleCIDDFW74.6%0.01%5.16%100%
America WestLASOMA72.83%3.22%0.27%8.64%
Atlantic SoutheastCVGTOL74.57%0.95%0.01%20.59%
Continental ExpressCLEPWM74.66%1.49%0.09%100%
Atlantic SoutheastTOLCVG74.57%0.01%0.96%20.59%
America WestLASGEG72.83%3.22%0.27%41.18%
Continental ExpressLITEWR74.66%0.25%1.5%100%
Atlantic SoutheastCVGCAK74.57%0.95%0.01%29.17%
Continental ExpressCLESRQ64.66%1.49%0.06%66.67%
American EagleIAHDFW64.6%1.92%5.16%1.97%
Atlantic SoutheastATLCHS64.57%5.17%0.14%7.14%
Continental ExpressCLECRW64.66%1.49%0.01%100%
America WestSTLLAS62.83%1.19%3.22%11.11%
Continental ExpressCLEDEN64.66%1.49%2.09%9.68%
Continental ExpressCLESAT64.66%1.49%0.54%100%
American EagleDFWIAH64.6%5.16%1.92%1.76%
Continental ExpressSRQCLE64.66%0.06%1.49%66.67%
America WestOMALAS62.83%0.27%3.22%5.77%
Continental ExpressCLLIAH64.66%0.13%1.92%100%
Atlantic SoutheastCRWATL64.57%0.01%5.18%60%
Continental ExpressEWRLIT64.66%1.49%0.25%100%
Continental ExpressEWRMYR64.66%1.49%0.18%75%
Continental ExpressMYREWR64.66%0.18%1.5%75%
America WestLASIAH62.83%3.22%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressIAHCLL64.66%1.92%0.13%100%
Continental ExpressSATIAH64.66%0.54%1.92%8.96%
Continental ExpressCRWCLE64.66%0.01%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressIAHSAT64.66%1.92%0.54%7.79%
Atlantic SoutheastCHSATL64.57%0.14%5.18%7.14%
Continental ExpressPWMCLE64.66%0.1%1.49%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLCRW64.57%5.17%0.01%60%
American EagleDFWROC54.6%5.16%0.21%100%
Atlantic SoutheastABYATL54.57%0%5.18%83.33%
Continental ExpressIAHMLU54.66%1.92%0%100%
Continental ExpressMLUIAH54.66%0%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressMSYIAH54.66%0.95%1.92%5.56%
Continental ExpressCLETPA54.66%1.49%1.41%8.33%
Continental ExpressIAHAUS54.66%1.92%0.61%7.94%
Atlantic SoutheastATLABY54.57%5.17%0%83.33%
American EagleROCDFW54.6%0.21%5.16%100%
American EagleSAVDFW54.6%0.12%5.16%100%
Continental ExpressBOSEWR54.66%1.68%1.5%3.76%
Continental ExpressTPACLE54.66%1.42%1.49%8.33%
Atlantic SoutheastATLILM54.57%5.17%0.04%100%
American EagleDFWSAV54.6%5.16%0.12%100%
Continental ExpressIAHMSY54.66%1.92%0.94%5.56%
Atlantic SoutheastILMATL54.57%0.04%5.18%100%
Continental ExpressSATCLE54.66%0.54%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressIAHRSW44.66%1.92%0.34%18.18%
America WestLASTUS42.83%3.22%0.31%3.39%
Continental ExpressMIACLE44.66%0.69%1.49%10.53%
Continental ExpressXNACLE44.66%0.09%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressRSWIAH44.66%0.34%1.92%18.18%
Continental ExpressCLEHOU44.66%1.49%0.99%100%
America WestLASATL42.83%3.22%5.18%2.6%
Continental ExpressDABCLE44.66%0.01%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressEWRBOS44.66%1.49%1.68%2.9%
American EagleMTJDFW44.6%0.01%5.16%44.44%
Atlantic SoutheastATLGSP44.57%5.17%0.07%7.55%
Continental ExpressHOUCLE44.66%0.99%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressCLEMIA44.66%1.49%0.69%10.53%
America WestATLLAS42.83%5.17%3.22%3.67%
Continental ExpressBWICLE44.66%2.09%1.49%2.19%
American EagleTYSDFW44.6%0.14%5.16%100%
Atlantic SoutheastGSPATL44.57%0.07%5.18%7.41%
American EagleDFWMTJ44.6%5.16%0.01%44.44%
Continental ExpressCLEDAB44.66%1.49%0.01%100%
Continental ExpressIAHDEN44.66%1.92%2.09%4.3%
America WestLASBUR42.83%3.22%0.57%1.03%
America WestLASORD42.83%3.22%4.12%0.98%
Continental ExpressCLEXNA44.66%1.49%0.09%100%
America WestGEGLAS42.83%0.27%3.22%30.77%
America WestBURLAS42.83%0.56%3.22%1.06%
American EagleDFWTYS44.6%5.16%0.13%100%
America WestLASMCI42.83%3.22%1.18%1.83%
Continental ExpressHDNIAH34.66%0%1.92%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLMOB34.57%5.17%0.04%4.69%
American EaglePWMLGA34.6%0.1%2.21%42.86%
Atlantic SoutheastMOBATL34.57%0.04%5.18%3.85%
Continental ExpressSBNCLE34.66%0.01%1.49%100%
Continental ExpressCLESBN34.66%1.49%0.01%100%
America WestATLPHX32.83%5.17%3.62%6.52%
Continental ExpressCLEPBI34.66%1.49%0.4%21.43%
America WestLASMSY32.83%3.22%0.94%5.36%
America WestMCILAS32.83%1.18%3.22%1.32%
Continental ExpressDENIAH34.66%2.08%1.92%2.54%
Continental ExpressPBICLE34.66%0.4%1.49%20%
Continental ExpressIAHHDN34.66%1.92%0%100%
Continental ExpressVCTIAH34.66%0%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressEWRDSM34.66%1.49%0.07%100%
Continental ExpressIAHVCT34.66%1.92%0%100%
Atlantic SoutheastCAEATL34.57%0.11%5.18%1.17%
Atlantic SoutheastATLCAE34.57%5.17%0.11%1.18%
Continental ExpressCRWIAH34.66%0.01%1.92%100%
Continental ExpressEWRORD34.66%1.49%4.12%0.88%
America WestORDLAS32.83%4.12%3.22%0.7%
Continental ExpressIAHCRW34.66%1.92%0.01%100%
America WestPHXATL32.83%3.62%5.18%3.75%
American EagleLGAPWM34.6%2.21%0.09%37.5%
Continental ExpressRICORF24.66%0.27%0.26%100%
Atlantic SoutheastBQKATL24.57%0%5.18%100%
Atlantic SoutheastCVGGRR24.57%0.95%0.15%4.26%
American EagleBWIORD24.6%2.09%4.12%0.76%
Continental ExpressMYRCLE24.66%0.18%1.49%100%
Atlantic SoutheastGRRCVG24.57%0.15%0.96%4.35%
Continental ExpressCLEJAX24.66%1.49%0.46%100%
Continental ExpressORDEWR24.66%4.12%1.5%0.51%
American EagleORDBWI24.6%4.12%2.08%0.72%
Continental ExpressDSMEWR24.66%0.07%1.5%100%
Continental ExpressTLHIAH24.66%0.08%1.92%100%
Atlantic SoutheastATLBQK24.57%5.17%0%100%
Continental ExpressIAHTLH24.66%1.92%0.08%100%
Continental ExpressCLEMYR24.66%1.49%0.18%100%
Continental ExpressIAHMCO14.66%1.92%1.97%11.11%
Atlantic SoutheastTXKLFT14.57%0.06%0.05%100%
Continental ExpressDFWGUC14.66%5.16%0%100%
Atlantic SoutheastCRPATL14.57%0.05%5.18%100%
Continental ExpressIAHABI14.66%1.92%0.09%100%
Continental ExpressIAHONT14.66%1.92%0.77%8.33%
American EagleDFWCMH14.6%5.16%0.5%0.83%
Continental ExpressILEIAH14.66%0.12%1.92%100%
Atlantic SoutheastMAFDFW14.57%0.12%5.16%0.91%
America WestLASABQ12.83%3.22%0.8%0.58%
Atlantic SoutheastDFWSAT14.57%5.16%0.54%0.33%
Atlantic SoutheastEVVATL14.57%0.01%5.18%7.14%
Continental ExpressHPNBTV14.66%0.09%0.09%100%
American EagleDFWMEM14.6%5.16%0.65%1.37%
Atlantic SoutheastATLHTS14.57%5.17%0%100%
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WITH __stage0 AS (
    CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,1) THEN
      END as "nickname__5",
    CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,2,4) THEN
      END as "destination__5",
    CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,3,4) THEN
      END as "origin__5",
    CASE WHEN group_set=5 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END as "flight_count__5",
    MAX((CASE WHEN group_set=1 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)) OVER (PARTITION BY CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,1) THEN
      END)*1.0/MAX((CASE WHEN group_set=0 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)) OVER () as "carrier as a percent of all flights__5",
    MAX((CASE WHEN group_set=2 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)) OVER (PARTITION BY CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,2,4) THEN
      END)*1.0/MAX((CASE WHEN group_set=0 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)) OVER () as "destination as a percent of all flights__5",
    MAX((CASE WHEN group_set=3 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)) OVER (PARTITION BY CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,3,4) THEN
      END)*1.0/MAX((CASE WHEN group_set=0 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)) OVER () as "origin as a percent of all flights__5",
    (CASE WHEN group_set=5 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)*1.0/MAX((CASE WHEN group_set=4 THEN
      COUNT( 1)
      END)) OVER (PARTITION BY CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,2,4) THEN
      END, CASE WHEN group_set IN (5,3,4) THEN
      END) as "carriers as a percentage of route__5"
  FROM '../data/flights.parquet' as flights
   LEFT JOIN '../data/carriers.parquet' AS carriers_0
    ON flights."carrier"=carriers_0."code"
  CROSS JOIN (SELECT UNNEST(GENERATE_SERIES(0,5,1)) as group_set  ) as group_set
  GROUP BY 1,2,3,4
  "nickname__5" as "nickname",
  "destination__5" as "destination",
  "origin__5" as "origin",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=5 THEN "flight_count__5" END) as "flight_count",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=5 THEN "carrier as a percent of all flights__5" END) as "carrier as a percent of all flights",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=5 THEN "destination as a percent of all flights__5" END) as "destination as a percent of all flights",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=5 THEN "origin as a percent of all flights__5" END) as "origin as a percent of all flights",
  MAX(CASE WHEN group_set=5 THEN "carriers as a percentage of route__5" END) as "carriers as a percentage of route"
FROM __stage0
WHERE group_set NOT IN (0,1,2,3,4)
GROUP BY 1,2,3