Malloy Documentation

Malloy includes specialized sub-languages for filtering string, number, date, timestamp or boolean data. There is a specialized language for each data type designed to create concise, powerful, and readable data filters.

A filter expression is a special "f-string", starting with f' and ending with '

A filter expression is applied to a value with the ~ or !~ operators. The result of a filter expression comparison will be a boolean value. Here are examples of a filter expressions in Malloy for each data type.

  is_primary_color is color ~ f'red,green,blue'
  one_digit is num_val ~ f'(1,9)'
  did_not_happen is have_pictures ~ f'false'
  happened_this_week is event_timestamp ~ f'this week'
  total_this_quarter is num_val.sum() { where: order_date ~ f'this quarter' }

Examples of String Filter Expressions

String Filter Expression Meaning
correct Is the string correct
happy% Starts with happy
%joy Ends with joy
%love% Contains love
abc_ abc followed by any character
null Is a NULL value
\null Is the string null
ten\% Is the string ten%
empty Is the empty string or is NULL
  • The \ character is used to escape any special meaning

Negation in String Filter Expressions

Negated Expression Meaning
-mistake Is not the string mistake
-empty Is not an empty string
-%anger Does not end with anger
-null Is not a NULL value
  • A - before a string expression means "not"

Combining String Filter Expressions

There are three seperators that can be used to combine string filter expressions: , (the comma operator), ; (the 'and' operator), | (the 'or' operator) Also groups of string clauses can use ( and ) for grouping.

A string of clauses seperated by , will have all the positive matches or'd together (included), and all the negative matches anded (excluded)

Combined Expression Meaning
red,blue,green Is one of the primary colors
red | blue | green Is one of the primary colors
joy%,-%sadness% Starts with joy and does not contains sadness
joy% ; -%sadness% Starts with joy and does not contains sadness
\ % , %\_ Starts with space or ends with _
  • White space at the beginning or end of a clause is ignored

  • You will need to use \ (backslash) to escape ...

    • Spaces at the beginning or end of a match

    • Any of , | ; \ ( )

    • The match charcacters % and _

    • \null or \empty

Numeric Filter Expression Meaning
42 Equals 42
= 42 Equals 42
!= 42 Not Equal 42
> 42 Could also be < <= >=
(1 to 5) 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
[1 to 5] 2, 3, or 4
null The NULL value
  • In to ranges the () characters indicate inclusion of the endpoints, and [] indicate exclusion.

Negation in Numeric Filter Expressions

Negated Expression Meaning
not 21 Does not equal 21
not (1,2,3) Less than 1 or greater than 3
not null Is not a NULL value

Combining Numeric Filter Expressions

Numeric filters can be combined with and and or operators and grouped with ( and )

Filters using = and != can have a list of values separated by ,

Combined Expression Meaning
= 2,4,6,8 Equals one of 2,4,6 or 8
2,4,6,8 Equals one of 2,4,6 or 8
!= 1,3,5,7 Does not equal any of 1,3,5,7
> 10 and != 15 Greater than 10 and not equal 15
(0 to 4) or (5 to 9) Exclude between for and 5

Temporal Units

Malloy has a temporal filter language for operation on date and timestamp data. The first type of temporal filters are filters which describe a unit of time. Expressions which take a time extent can use year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, or minute, and any of those can have an s (as in years or days)

Temporal Unit Expression Meaning
now The current time
last week The sunday week which ended before the current day
next month The next month
this quarter The quarter containing the current day
today The current day
yesterday The day before the current day
tomorrow The day after the current day
2 days ago The day before yesterday
1 week from now Same as seven days from now
monday The most recently passed monday
last monday The most recently passed monday
next friday The first friday in the future

Temporal Ranges

For all temporal units except now, the unit describes a range of time. There are a other ways to describe a range, many of which start with a temporal unit

Temporal Range Expression Meaning
before tuesday Before any temporal unit
after next month After any temporal unit
last monday to next friday Using two units to specify a range
2 weeks ago for 2 days Can combine a unit and a duration
last 3 days 3 days of data, does not include today
next 2 weeks 2 weeks of data, does not include today
2 days 2 days of data, yesterday and today
null The NULL value

Combining Temporal Filter Expressions

Temporal filter expressions can be combined with and and or operators and grouped with ( and )

Because a boolean value might equal NULL, there are the following boolean filters.

Boolean Filter Expression Meaning
true Value is true
false Value is false or NULL (the inverse of true)
=false Value is false
null Value is NULL

Boolean filters are negated with not. There are no combination or grouping operators.

Escaping is different inside of a f-string than it is inside of a normal string. The backslash character does escape, but it will also be part of the resulting string. In most other strings, in order for the string to contain a backlash you must write two backslashes. This will only matter for string filter expressions which use \.

F-strings can also be written f"..." or f`...` if one of those quotation choices produces an easier to read expression

There are also tripled versions of each f-string, f'''...''', f"""...""" and f```...```

  • f"Don't need to quote the apostrophe"

  • f`Don't need to quote the " either`

  • f'''Or here, can use ` ' and " without quoting them'''