Malloy Documentation

The parameters experiment enables the ability to add parameters to source definitions.

Enable the parameters experiment with:

##! experimental.parameters

This feature is still in development. Feedback is appreciated via Slack or the dedicated GitHub discussion.


  • Sources can be parameterized like source: my_source(param::string is "default") is ...

  • Sources with parameters can be invoked like run: my_source(param is "value") -> { ... }

  • Parameters can be used in expressions inside the source, in invocations of sources being extended, and in joins

  • The goal is that eventually parameters will have true lexical scope inside the source, usable anywhere inside the source

##! experimental.parameters

source: flights(min_distance::number) is duckdb.table('../data/flights.parquet') extend {
  measure: flight_count is count()
  where: distance >= min_distance
  view: by_distance_bucket is { 
    group_by: distance_bucket is round(distance, -3) 
    aggregate: c is count() 

run: flights(min_distance is 1000) -> by_distance_bucket
    "distance_bucket": 1000,
    "c": 50831
    "distance_bucket": 2000,
    "c": 36305
    "distance_bucket": 3000,
    "c": 2617
    "distance_bucket": 4000,
    "c": 249
   ROUND(base."distance",-3) as "distance_bucket",
   COUNT(1) as "c"
FROM '../data/flights.parquet' as base
WHERE base."distance">=1000
run: flights(min_distance is 2000) -> by_distance_bucket
    "distance_bucket": 2000,
    "c": 10786
    "distance_bucket": 3000,
    "c": 2617
    "distance_bucket": 4000,
    "c": 249
   ROUND(base."distance",-3) as "distance_bucket",
   COUNT(1) as "c"
FROM '../data/flights.parquet' as base
WHERE base."distance">=2000

New Syntax

Sources can be declared with parameters:

  • source: my_source(param::string) is ...

Declared parameters may have a type and/or a default value:

  • source: my_source(param is 1) is ...

  • source: my_source(param::number is 1 + 1) is ...

  • Error: source: my_source(param) is ... because it has neither a type nor a default value

  • Types may be any of the normal field types: string, number, date, timestamp, or boolean

    • Error: source: my_source(param is null) because null is not a "regular" Malloy type

    • A default value of null may be specified either by specifying a type and default value null or specifying a casted null

      • source: my_source(param::string is null)

      • source: my_source(param is null::string)

Source usages may specify parameters:

  • run: my_source(param is 1) -> ...

  • Error: run: my_source(1) because parameter names are required

  • If a parameter has a default value, it need not be specified:

source: my_source(param is 1) is ...
run: my_source -> { ... } // Ok
run: my_source() -> { ... } // Ok
run: my_source(param is 2) -> { ... } // Ok
  • If a parameter does not have a default value, it must be specified

  • Passing 0 params is equivalent to not passing params, so a source without parameters may be invoked run: no_params_source() -> { ... }

New Semantics

Parameters are only inherited from one source to an extended source explicitly:

source: my_source(param is 1) is ...
source: ext_source_1 is my_source(param is 1) // No parameters
source: ext_source_2(param::number) is my_source(param) // One parameter, but without default value

Constant expressions are allowed anywhere where sources can be invoked

  • run: my_source(param is 1 + 1)

  • source: new_source is my_source(param is concat("foo", "bar"))

  • join_one: my_source is my_source(param is 1) on ...

  • query: my_query is my_source(param is 1) -> ...

Parameters can only be used in a few limited places:

  • In source invocations in source declarations:

    • source: ext_source(ext_param::string) is my_source(param is ext_param) extend ...

    • Convenience syntax: my_source(param) is sugar for my_source(param is param):

      • source: ext_source(param::string) is my_source(param) extend ...

  • In source invocations in join declarations

    • source: my_source(param::string) is ... { join_one: other_source is other_source(param) ... }

    • source: my_source(param::string) is ... { join_one: other_source with param = other_source.value }

    • source: my_source(param::string) is ... { join_one: other_source on param }

  • In dimension/measure expressions defined in the source:

    • source: my_source(param::string) is ... { dimension: param_value is param }

    • source: my_source(param::number) is ... { measure: count_times_param is count() * param }

    • This includes in SQL functions: dimension: x is sql_number("${ param }") (note this requires the sql_functions experiment)

  • In the first stage of views defined in the source:

    • source: my_source(param::string) is ... { view: my_view is { group_by: param } }

    • This includes nests:

      • source: my_source(param::string) is ... { view: my_view is { nest: x is { group_by: param } } }

Parameters cannot be used in the following places (and likely will not in the future):

  • Anywhere outside of the initial source declaration

    • Error: run: my_source(param is 1) -> { group_by: param }

Parameters of a source are not included in index: * or select: *


Parameters cannot be used in the following places (but likely will in the future):

  • In subsequent stages of views defined in the source:

    • Error: source: my_src(param::string) is ... { view: my_view is { ... } -> { group_by: param } }

  • In the sources of queries used to define sources or joins:

    • Error: source: my_source(param is 1) is base_source(param) -> { ... }

    • Error: source: my_source(param is 1) ... { join_one: joined is other(param) -> { ... } on ...

  • In SQL sources:

    • Error: source: my_source(param is 1) is conn.sql("""%{ other(param) -> { ... } }""")

    • Error: source: my_source(param is 1) is conn.sql("SELECT * ... WHERE %{ param } = 1")

Parameters cannot currently be annotated (but they likely will be in the future)

source: my_source(
  # param_tag=1 // <— syntax error
) is ...

For the time being, shadowing of parameters by fields or vice versa is illegal

source: my_source(param::string) is ... extend {
  dimension: param is ... // Error
source: base_source is ... extend {
  dimension: param

source: my_source(
  param::string  // Error
) is base_source

Likely in the future this will be legal, but there will be some other syntax to help navigate conflicts